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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Confessions of a Not-so-Dangerous Mind

Last few days I have been working on anonymous mailing scripts, the kind using which you can send mails to any email ID [so what's great in that!!!] from any email ID. The recipient will view the message as if it came from the email ID you specified. Kewl, isn't it. Just imagine getting mails from the President of India or George Bush. Then, you can also impersonate others and send mails from their names.

About impersonating, I had lots of fun doing that. We have a Yahoo! Group for our batch in our department, and I had lots of fun sending mails in everyone's name. I send a mail from a person claiming that he is an idiot, and also included a song to accompany that... And then from another person apologizing for sending such mails... hehe... And nobody can find out that the mail is from me :))

There is a give-away though... Some body who really knows about emails, would know that he can check the full headers of the message. Headers usually contain information about the communications between the various email servers and identify the email properties. And if the person looks more closely at the headers he will be able to identify that even though the email seems to have come from somebody else, the email server is based in Kharagpur, and will be able to figure out that the mail was sent by an anonymous mailer.

Well, the novelty is now finished... and I don't think I will be making any other use of this new script... at least not in the near future. And in any case, I am not the kind of guy to use this to do any real harm to anybody using this. It's just to play around... have fun... check out some vulnerabilities... play some pranks... and forget about it.

Computers are the DNA of the new world and I am GOD !!!


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