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Monday, April 19, 2004

Of Treats and Truants

Ok I am back again just after writing that nothing more will be written now...

And I'm gonna discuss about the treats I have had and the ones I am gonna miss...

Last week went completely having treats... All I had at night were treats and the ones where there were no treats I played truant with the mess... let's recount

  • Monday was the Panjabi Society Farewell Dinner... Some time went in discussing Nishith Karwa's alleged suicuide... but the food was good and that kind of evens out all things

  • Tuesday was Final Year Treat Dinner... the food again was great... the final years are really considerate when it comes to treats... I have had a good share this year... The one thing about the final years of RK this year is their sheer tempo to work for the hall... Bhupi, Amresh... these are guys who will give anything for their hall... perhaps no other batch of any hall will go so far... and these are qualities worth emulating. And it is only due to the sheer enthu of the final years this year that RK is getting the sports GC... whenever, I went to watch any game where RK was playing... final years would outnumber second and third years combined by 2 to 1... maan, working next year without such guys is gonna be a tough ask ...

  • Wednesday was our hall elections and so at night we went to Eggies, the late night food joint at Kgp... Our wing has three new G.Secs and this sure is a thing to celebrate... So we have some nice late night snacks and thus came

  • Thursday was my new wing treat... This is a kind of a tradition in RK and the best thing is that in the same wing all years stay togethter and this is what I think binds the hall together. We went to Punjabi Dhaba, had some funduuuu aloo parathe.... and bucket fulls of cold drinks... the food was especially good and so was the GPL [more about GPL some other time] of Ramu, who is my dept senior, wing mate and the G.Sec Mess of our hall.... and he promises that the whole of next year will be a treat in the mess... lets see... whether he gets compliments or GPLs... lolz

  • With so many treats, Friday was a dampener... I didnto have anything almost the whole day.... :((

  • Saturday was the Final Year Farewell... some clarification here... Final year treat is given by the final years to their juniors and the farewell dinner is by the juniors to the final years.,.. But sadly, as I have already discussed about my stomach's condition earlier.... I just could not eat anything...

Whoa what a week... man this is the kind of life one would wish for.... mmmmuuuaaaaaa

One interesting thing about the upset stomach: After 12 visits, I put up the status message 'twelve and counting' on my Yahoo Messenger... sample some replies I got:

  • even after twelve ice creams, u want more ... have some shame and take care of ur rubber tyre (around my stomach)

  • u've had 12 pegs... u must be out by now... really out

  • so twelve days to go home

  • twelve days left for exams to get over ???

And obviously, nobody could guess the actual reason... Cool stuff... just imagine... how the human mind just takes off...

more later

The World Reads in awe as I write !!!


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