k^infinity to http://kpowerinfinity.spaces.live.com/ & http://kpowerinfinity.wordpress.com

Pushing the limits ... to infinity! This blog has now been split into two. My personal blog is now located at Live Spaces and my more technical blog is located at Wordpress

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

When things don't work out

NB: This is going to be a very embittered post

Has it ever happened to you that you have tried very hard for something, and not been able to achieve it? And that too when you knew that you were the first in the race. When success was almost in your grasp, when things went like clockwork, when everybody accepted that you were the best, when people even started congratulating you after your performance, and when the results came, they turned out to be the most unexpected, most unnerving, most disappointing. And that was not because you did not do well, or there was a fault in your performance but rather because the judges did not know enough about the event to be able to judge you. When the parameters for judgement are twisted, they do not reflect the reality. When the judge does not deserve to judge you.

What do you do in such circumstances? Do you try to find out faults that do not exist, or do you rue your destiny because perhaps you were destined to lose, blame it all on the guy on the top floor, or do you take a rampuri and attack the judge straight away.

I am in such a murderous mood right now. Breathe your last.

Current Mood: murderous
Current Music: NONE

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Creakin' Doors n the Last few megs

I hate creaking doors. I absolutely hate creaking doors. I just can not stand them. They somehow make me feel that Doomsday is near. I also hate the screeching sound of new chalks writing on the blackboard. I feel murderous impulses, and if the sound persists for a long time, I could actually go and throttle the professor.

Now to the usual stuff. I was down to my last few megs for the last few days. I have a 40 gig hard drive, of which 5 Gb is given to Linux partitions. The rest 35 Gb contain an assortment of movies, videos, documents, pictures, books, music, the usual. A problem people do not know about having low disk space is that it results in poor virtual memory management, due to which you overall system performance goes down a lot. For the last few days, the condition became so horrible that I had to first delete a file before downloading another. I used to get this horrible 'Not enough space on disk E:' warning on my taskbar all the time, so finally I decided enough was enough. I burned off some of the music I do not listen to that often into CDs, and lo n behold, I have ober 3 gigs of space on my drive.

To add the woes, my computer was hacked by someone. I had to disable my firewall for some time and when I returned I could no longer open my Registry Editor, not enable my firewall again. Event notification and logging was disabled too and so I could not even track who had done it. Virus definitions were out of date, and the antivirii [AVG and Norton] obstinately refused to update them. It was really nightmarish. Ultimately, I had to get someone to do it for me. So, here is a vow, "I will never leave my firewall disabled".

More on computer security. A lot of vulnerabilities are doing the rounds. A word of advice. Get your software patched. SP1, SP2 et al. You would never even realize what strikes when. The link is here. More importantly, keep you virus definitions updated. And keep your default windows firewall enabled whenever you are online. Another thing, never open mails from strangers, esp. if they contain attachments. Today's viruses can send anonymous or even proxy emails, so be double sure about opening attachments even from friends and family. Usual virus attachement extentions are .pif, .exe, .scr, .doc etc. so watch out for these.

And now to more mundane stuff. Finished The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. Strange book. The book is surreal at times, and seems to project Holden's thought process, while describing his life over a period of 3-4 days, between the time he ran away from his school and finally returned home. I agree with Holden Caulfield about people being pretensious and phony but that is where I digress from his observations. I do not share his cynicism, and chose to look at the bright side of people. Although I am never behind finding faults with people and with the world in general, I do believe that the world is a wonderful place, an optimised creation, and believe in optimism. Another thing, I really do not feel the book is upto all the review it has received over the last half-a-decade [It was published in 1951].

Classes start tomorrow, after a couple of days of no work. I hate them.

Current Music: Maachis - Chor Aaye Hum

PS: I have updated my other blog Lord of the Links with a lot of new links. Do check it out!

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Lord of the Links

Lord of the Links

Why a new blog? The question is inescapable.

The main reason is that I had been told by a lot of people that I write 2 line posts. And anyway, I was tired of having my "diary" full of links. I realized that I was unable to do justice to either of the two [the blog and the links]... So I have started a new blog where I will be posting links of pages/news items/information I find interesting. Add it your blogroll, and keep checking because I think I will be updating it several times a day.

The Eccentric Genius

A post has been long overdue [not just links], and its after a whole week of examination tension that I am finally sitting down to write it. If fact, this is the first time I am using BlogSend feature of Blogger, since my post create page was not opening properly. Blogsend did not work, and I am back to using Blogger's editor.

Now, this post is dedicated to one of the professors I had this semester [he is retiring and will not be taking classes after the mid term]. Well, this prof teaches us Financial Management and Accounting, as you would have guessed by the title of this post, he really is an eccentric genius.

Actually in the beginning of this semester, when we had to choose our breadth subjects [subjects you take from other departments, in addition to your depth subjects, or core requirements for the major], I was really in a fix. Breadths being offered ranged from Jet Propulsion to Rubber Technology, I did not seem to have an interest in any of them. So our group of friends decided to beat the system, ask a professor to start a new breadth.

As soon as we got down to business, we realized that it was an impossible proposition. You could count the stars in the sky, but you couldn't change the system here at IIT. However, somewhere during our quest, we did get to know about an M.Tech course being offered by the Vinod Gupta School of Management [VGSoM], and decided to try our luck at it. We decided to go and meet this professor [let's call him A]. I wasn't there due to some urgent work, but my friends tell me, as soon as they popped the question, he roared at them, making them justify their choice. After haggling for well over an hour, we finally did manage to convince him.

The first class the same story was repeated, once again he asked, "Why Accounting?". It wasn't a question, it was more like a command.

"It will help us learn about accounting",
"It will help us when we want to study management"
"Then all the money your parents are spending on your education here will go down the drain. And you will anyway learn accounting when you do management, WHY waste my time?"
"Sir, it will help us analyze our company even if we work as engineers"

One answer after another, he rubbished. Finally the retort which could pass muster with him was, "It will help us become better professionals".

The classes were very straining on my grey matter. The first two-three classes, and he had finished with the Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Accounts. He only explained the fundamentals and we built on them. I could not believe we were cruising along at such a pace. The best part was that he never expected us to know the unnecessary details. He had a very clear idea of how he wanted to teach us. Any other professor would have spend weeks making us write down Vouchers, Journals and then Ledgers. However, he had a very clear idea of the fact that we as engineers will probably spend our time writing books of accounts. So from day one, it was only analysis. Somewhere, in the middle he also impressed upon us the importance of the Memorandom Book for a manager. And most of the last month has been spent on analysing various ratios relating to a company. He gave a list of 50 odd Ratios, and we grew mad trying to decipher it. I think they were more than 10 ratios of Assets Turnover itself. It was simply mind boggling. I have heard [never had the guts to ask him] that he is a consultant with one of the leading Accounting and Consultancy firms in India. That much for the genius part.

Now, for the eccentric. Most of the time, all the students never uttered a word they were unsure about. When you consider the fact that many of them were final year Dual Degree students, who after five years of penance [!] at IIT have grown weary of the system and don't care a damn about itsy-bitsy details, this is very very surprising. As soon as he heard anything which did not suit him, he would roar, and roar as if the next time we utter anything wrong, he would bring a dagger and murder us. At one point of time, we were analyzing the accounts of a company and someone asked a question "Sir what would happen if ...", he shouted back, "AND WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! Why would you have so much inventory lying with you and not use them Will Ambani be happy about it? What about Ratan Tata?" He had a knack for personalizing things. So the managers would be us, shareholders Ambani, and Chairman and Board of Directors would generally be Ratan Tata. He would suddenly say, "Munjal says that he is down to 3 days of inventory..." or "but that would mean abetting Eisner's policies", it took a moment to compile [effects of my major ;-)].

We had to bear the brunt of anything shortcomings of the management in the book. If the no advances had been taken on a deal [in some question we were solving], he would grown at us about how were leading the company to the dogs. It was after all our [management's] mistake! When he was teaching us Adjustments entries which are passed at the end of the year, we would have to face all reprimands. Whenever an entry was left for later when it should have been passed earlier, he howled at us as if we had been the people managing Enron!

One day he remarked about how his daugher felt that he was a big miser, and I unwittingly started day dreaming of his daughter sending him a daily report at the end of the day everyday, a balance sheet and Profit and Loss at the end of a year, and actually having to make a Banker's presentation for getting some pocket money !

He was once taking a roll call, when he realized that a guy called 'D' had been absent for a long time now. He roared, "Tell that 'D' not to come for the exam, otherwise I'll ZAP HIM OFF HIS HEAD."

The best part about the course was that we never had a conventional exam. A week-and-a-half before the examination, he told us that we would have to select an unsolved problem from the book, prepare its financial accounts, analyze it using various ratios, and then compare it with a company of our choice [my case Hindalco], to suggest remedies etc. I really liked this way of testing since we had to actually apply our intellect instead of wasteful number crunching during the examination. And I would surely champion this system over any pravailing one.

Anyways, this was one helluva course. It was unconventional, we had to apply ourselves a lot, think, analyze, present, and also listen to some harsh words on the way. Over all a very different experience.

Now that he is retiring, I want to with him a happy retired life, and may God be with his family who would have to endure him much more now! And I hope the teacher continueing the course can match his vigour.

Current Mood: Bored!
Current Music: Steve Vai, Satriani, Rammstein etc.

Monday, September 20, 2004

BlogShares - kpowerinfinity

BlogShares - kpowerinfinity

Just realized that my blog is trading on the blogshare.com mart. And I am worth B$1,169. I'm rich, man!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Moblogs and Quentin Tarantino

Moblog: Nokia gives us a new word - silicon.com

Guess, It had to happen sometime! A camera phone which helps people to photoblog.

Besides, check out this blog, Quentin Tarantino's blog, which is supposed to be maintained by his Editor. There is a furore over there about whether its real:
Commander bond

Guess, just like anywhere else blogosphere is also not beyond limits for people with "different" motivations. One day I even found a blog which contained absolute pornography, which was absolutely disgusting.

A question before I doze off

Just wondering...

If I have my medicines just before going to sleep at quarter past four on Thursday, were they for Thursday morning or Wednesday night?

Current Mood: Unclear
Current Music: It's my life

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

GoodNewsIndia :: The relevance of China to India

GoodNewsIndia :: The relevance of China to India

One of best essays I have read comparing India's and China's economic development. PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN !!!

The most luxurious wedding in Asia?

:: Xinhuanet - English ::

This one is right up there with Mittal's daughter's wedding. But the added charm of royalty may just help it cross that one.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Button Maker

Button Maker :: Kalsey Consulting Group

A web page for making blog buttons.

PS: Vardan :))

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Google Fight : Make a fight with Googlefight

Google Fight : Make a fight with Googlefight

This is an interesting site. You make a fight between two search queries to see which feature more on the web [as indexed by Google]. The classics contain such interesting fights as:
  • pen and sword
  • george bush and bin laden
  • bill gates and linus trovalds
  • India and Pakistan
  • ... And many more
Go ahead make your own google fight!!!

There is another interesting site related to Google, googlewhack. In this people start a new quest... A quest for phrases which give a single result on google. So, you will find ambidextrous scallywags, parochial noctambulist, demurrable insufficiencies, and many more. Check it out!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Whoa I'm Happy

This week I am pretty happy. Coz my sister's marriage got fixed. And that too after almost 4 years of courtship and subsequent dating. So, on the personal front things have been pretty good.

Actually, I went to Calcutta on Monday bcoz the groom's family was coming over to our home to finalize things, and give their final agreement. So there was a small family function and gathering of close relatives and friends. The next day we went for Mittagessen to Grain of Salt, a decently expensive restraunt which strangely also serves good food. Anyways, here too, things did not move all that easily. I had a laboratory on Monday Afternoon, that too Signals and Networks [one of the most boring and utterly useless courses I have taken till now], and the professor stubbornly refused to give me permission to bunk the lab and compensate for it later. So, here I was, reaching home after most of the function was over, left to eat whatever crumbs were left. I hate Electrical Engineering Department professors.

Anyways, soon as I returned, there was no respite. I had my department freshers' introduction to organize and the whole of the next was spent in trying to put together things, and battle chaos' as it came. One of the things I have learnt after all these events is that Murphy's laws will never leave your side, however hard you may try. It is the doppelganger who knows all the time what you are doing, how you are planning, and will always find some way to outwit you. And then it is upto you to find out a way to beat it at its own game. [For a very interesting list of Murphy's laws and its corollaries, visit this site]

Thankfully, the introduction went off without much chaos [In fact chaos is the universal word used here in kgp for anything and everything that can go wrong... more about this sometime later].

I now have three assignments to contend myself with, to spend my weekend. People in the cities usually keep their weekends reserved for their girlfriends, but here at IIT we don't take chances, enjoy the whole week, and procrastinate it till it gets up your ass and then finally spend your weekend doing it. Moreover, I have been spending my last two days on orkut. Jhandaoing. Jhandaoing. And jhandaoing. [btw did nebody know that orkut had a mirror site orcut which is much faster than orkut proper]. And I spent whole of my evening out on a treat. And rite now my eyes are bleeding.

Somebody please give me inspiration and motivation to work!!!

And more importantly I have yet to complete The Catcher in the Rye.

Current Mood: sleepy
Current Music: I'm deaf tired!!!

Friday, September 10, 2004



Serendipity it is... Apro is one of my earliest friends. Our friendship dates back almost 8 yrs now... And I have not known a guy with more calli, School Prefect, G Sec Soc Cult at IIT, Muzik freak, Plays the guitar, great debater, funduu in other lit activities as well... i could go on... and never ever stop

Now that he has started on blogger... its going to be gr8 to be reading his blogs !!!

Current Mood: Jhandaoing
Current Music: Yuva

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Buffalo Story

A very interesting perspective on alcoholism:
Cliff is seated at the bar describing the buffalo theory to his buddy,
Norm. This concept has never been explained any better.....

'Well you see, Norm, it's like this.. A herd of buffalo can only move
as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it is the
lowerst and the weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This
natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general
speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular
killing of the weakest members.

In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the
slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol
kills brain cells. Naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain
cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the
weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient
machine. And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few

Friday, September 03, 2004

The Banality of Google (Ftrain.com)

Internet Explorer

Just discovered this after a long time. My blog does not display properly in Internet Explorer. Have been using Firefox all this while that never realized this. F*** those a******* at Redmond.

It was due to a long link which was upsetting the table structure of the page!!!

Current Mood: Frustrated and Sleepy
Current Music: RHTDM - Bolo Bolo

Steve Jobs a hippie

...And Also : OutLookIndia.com

Well, finally located the outlook article where I read it...

Karma Cola

I had read this book Karma Cola by Gita Mehta some time back.

The book is an exposition which tries to find some relation between all the mysticism of the east and the confusion in the West. It talks of all the foreigners who come to India [mainly in the 80s n 70s] in search of peace and spiritual upliftment but are taken for a ride by the so called sadhus and maharshis in India. From Rajneesh [Osho], to Maharshi Mahesh Yogi to small time hypocrites who use these foreigners to further their own following.

On a very different level, it discusses the mental insecurity of the West, which forever needs to look at the East for attaining balance. It talks of all these young hippies, who had come to India just to escape their own realities, to get away from facing their own demons. Instead of being able to achieve their real purpose, they are easily duped by these yogis and mahatmas since they say what these foreigners like to hear; just as Gail Wynand had said in Fountainhead; by giving them the syringe and the bottle.

The Indians, however, are not moved by the pomp of the gurus since they have seen such hypocrisy since aeons; it has become so commonplace in India that they don't even flinch.

The book is very well written, and Gita Mehta makes it an enjoyable read. Tho' I must confess that I had to refer to the dictionary quite a few times; and even then could not make sense out of it at times.

And currently I am reading The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger.

A few more things:
  • Rediff has changed its interface. It is far more neat, easily navigable, simple and useful.
  • Picasa is a great new image viewing tool by Google. Try it out!!!
  • Even Steve Jobs was a hippie, and was in Varanasi for some time, then he gave it all up for some reason [which I can not recall now], and went back to start Apple computer
Chalo more later

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Gmail Invites

Does anyone need Gmail invites??? I have a few extra !!!

Current Mood: Doing Assignment... whaddya expect
Current Music: Raid Yo!! [Campus Radio]