k^infinity to http://kpowerinfinity.spaces.live.com/ & http://kpowerinfinity.wordpress.com

Pushing the limits ... to infinity! This blog has now been split into two. My personal blog is now located at Live Spaces and my more technical blog is located at Wordpress

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Water under the Bridge

A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since I last posted... Heck, it was on Jan 20, almost two months ago... Two mighty long months!

And as life has moved through and around narrow channels, big stones, mighty mountains, a weeping sea, it has taken a strange flavour - bland, completely bland.

Thrills are gone, excitement no more, fun is a past, laughter seems distant. It has been a really long time.

However, there have been moments of joy, cheer, happiness... things that have kept me going, running in seemingly no particular direction, but still, running!

There have been contests to win, activities to do, assignments to complete, products to deliver, teams to cheer, but at the end of it all, there is no emotion. Life's become tasteless.

It will, inshallah, change.


  • At 9:50 am, Blogger Calvin said…

    the change you so desperately seek is coming up soon, patience :-)


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