Three names I go by:
- $nick1 = "$1$2" if ($name =~ /(\w)\w*\s(\w)\w*\s\w*/) [If that sounds too cryptic, it simply is the initials of the first and middle name]
- $nick2 = "$1" if ($name =~ /\w*\s\w*\s(\w*)/) [or simply my surname]
- $nick3 = "kpowerinfinity" (simple!)
Note: Nobody calls me by my name!
Three screen names:
- $id1 = "$1$2$3" if ($name =~ /(\w)\w*\s(\w\w)\w*\s(\w*)/) [first letter of first name, first two letters of middle name and last name conjoined together]
- $id2 = "$nick1$surname" [Okay, if you don't like shortcuts $surname = "$1" if ($name =~ /\w*\s\w*\s(\w*)/)]
- $id3 = "k_power_infinity"
Three things I like about myself:
- Practical and focussed
- Am usually in an equilibrium and not a delirium :P
- Strong reasoning engine which makes up for lack of memory space in my processor.
Three things I don't like about myself:
- My Shape
- My poor memory
- In many cases my equilibrium crosses into phlegmatism (the word probably should have been phlegm but I don't like that because of its "other" meaning)
Three things that scare me:
- Judgement Day
- Thought of losing loved ones
- Bollywood Comedies
Three Essentials:
- Money
- Money
- Money
Three things I like in opposite sex:
- Vivaciousness [among the ones I have met]
- Their time management skills [the older ones]
- Hourglass [let's be honest!]
Three things I want to do badly right now:
- Bring my internship to a deserving end
- Get in shape
- Find out the right answer to the question below
Three careers I am considering right now:
- Research
- Become a Software Engineer
- Entrepreneurship [Will somebody please give me the idea of the next millenium?]
Three places I want to go on vacation:
- Kashmir
- Kerala
- Kolkata [believe it or not its my home town, but well, going to Kolkata is like a vacation now after staying out for so long]
Three kids names I like:
- Naah ! haven't thought about it!
Three things to do before dying:
- Appear on the cover of TIME
- Buy a personal Jet
- Stay in Rashtrapati Bhavan [even as a guest would do :P]
Three winners who have to take this quiz:
Why only 3 ... let's have a full-on party guys!
5 guys and 5 girls - looks good :-)
At 11:51 am,
Lancelot said…
Bolly comedies not that bad now... try some tolly ones for size!!!
At 7:01 pm,
Pallavi said…
Kolkata man ... why ?? but I understand :)
At 4:36 pm,
Anonymous said…
Money, money and more money? Boy are you honest and am I surprised!
At 12:14 pm,
abnegator said…
hehehe...nice one..it seems u r working a lot.
At 10:41 pm,
Sangeeta said…
# Kashmir
# Kerala
# Kolkata
What is it abt K? Et tu Brutus?
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