Rangoli - Celebration of Colours
Let me be frank. I have been a little biased at times. I have only written about Illumination. However, Rangoli, which takes place concurrently is as important.
In Rangoli, various halls use colour powder on their common room floors to depict majestic scenes - usually related to mythology. The way myriad colours come together to form an awe-inspiring whole is really something unique to Kgp. Needless to say, it too requires a lot of hard work, perseverence, and team effort apart from dexterity with drawing, painting, and colours. When you work for 8 hours at a stretch and that too without the fan (for fear of colours blowing away), you tend to get the idea of the scale.
I will let these pictures speak for themselves:
I am sure those who feel IITians are only capable of solving 7th degree simultaneous quadratic equations will be forced to rethink.
In Rangoli, various halls use colour powder on their common room floors to depict majestic scenes - usually related to mythology. The way myriad colours come together to form an awe-inspiring whole is really something unique to Kgp. Needless to say, it too requires a lot of hard work, perseverence, and team effort apart from dexterity with drawing, painting, and colours. When you work for 8 hours at a stretch and that too without the fan (for fear of colours blowing away), you tend to get the idea of the scale.
I will let these pictures speak for themselves:
This one depicts the erstwhile Hijli detention camp where IIT Kharagpur has risen from the ashes of martyrs -
I am sure those who feel IITians are only capable of solving 7th degree simultaneous quadratic equations will be forced to rethink.
At 10:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
In the telugu community there is a tradition of putting rangoli in front of the house every morning, now i regret for the first time that i never learnt it, after seeing the pic i now feel i could have done something like this, really colours have somuch to say.way to go IITians, u r capabilities are far more than solving equations.:)
Posted by neelima
At 11:13 pm,
Anonymous said…
Pics are real good.By the way, what are this "7th degree simultaneous 'quadratic' equations".I think quadratic itself implies 2nd degree.Anyway, I hope my comment will prevent guys from re-'thinking' 'bout IIT-ians.[:D]... Arnab
At 9:07 am,
Anonymous said…
great work again :)
Posted by surinder
At 7:25 pm,
Anonymous said…
all the best boys for the illu and rangoli!! may the best hall (RK!!) win :-))
Posted by saurabh
At 9:30 pm,
Anonymous said…
Happy Diwali!!
those rangolis are superb..w.e also have the same things here too...we even make a rangoli on water!
and do u really know how to solve 7th degree simultaneous quadratic equations?!!??
Posted by nitid
At 10:53 pm,
Anonymous said…
2neelima, surinder: thanks
2arnab: i guess the thingie about the 7th degree whatever went a little too far... but i guess it proves the point
2saurabh: it will
2nitid: thanks... pls post pics of your rangoli... the rangoli on water must be lovely yaar... kabhi funda lene aayenge
Posted by kpowerinfinity
At 2:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Posted by Jahnvi
At 12:58 am,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations... the rangolis indeed look superb! Can you put up a front view of the 'Last Supper' rangoli? (It looks interesting). How many halls compete?
Posted by Diamonds
At 11:34 pm,
naween said…
i never met an iitian who could solve 7th degree simultaneous quadratic equations...if u have, do tell me his or her name:P
At 2:42 am,
Anonymous said…
well,i'm a fresher at iitk,and i thought we were the ones who did everything on a massive scale.but now i know that this desire to think huge is common to all iit's
Posted by nikhil
At 2:42 am,
Anonymous said…
well,i'm a fresher at iitk,and i thought we were the ones who did everything on a massive scale.but now i know that this desire to think huge is common to all iit's
Posted by nikhil
At 9:21 am,
Anonymous said…
2nikhil: very much dear ... anyways, good to know u !
Posted by kpowerinfinity
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