Independance Day, not just 15h August
A lot of things cross my mind this independance day. And I feel inexplicably relaxed today. Perhaps, its all the reading over the past couple of weeks. I read:
First of all, what model of independance are we looking at? As we step into a global village, we are more and more interdependant rather than independant. A fisherman in India may be affected if the Nikkei nosedives, or the Hang Seng shoots up. We are no longer masters of our destinies, we are the collective masters of the destinies of billions of people. Each of our actions could potentially affect the whole world!
The most potent of course are the business satraps, whom Friedman calls the Electronic Herd. They have the power to move capital around the world in a matter of seconds. But are they free and independant? I am not sure. They are slaves of their own greed, of money, of fame, of power. They are like King Philip, the father of Alexander, slaves of their own success. They are like the geishas - bought as slaves to live a life of drudgery, of exploitation, but once they grow up, they can no longer forego the same life.
Nevertheless, it is money which is the world's most potent weapon today. Trade and industry have lifted millions of people above the poverty line in China and India. It is business interests which made the US suddenly change its stance towards India. It has prevented many a wars in the last few decades. The Lexus, a symbol of this economic power [as symbolized by Friedman], is now driving around the world, picking up passengers it deems best, in whichever country in the world. And this multicultural, multiracial environment is not limited to a single city or country. From New York to London to Frankfurt to Dubai to Bangalore to Shanghai, people of all kinds live together and aggrandize wealth together. Because that is the only way to succeed in today's world.
Getting back to the issue of independance, I would believe that true independance today lies not just in determining your government, but also your destiny. True independance is when you have a kid in a village of Bihar growing up to be an engineer and bringing light to his village. True independance is when a peasant's daughter in India can become a teacher in the US. Independance would be when opportunities are equally available and anybody can come grab them. Independance would be when we can provide education to all the millions of children being born everyday, empower them to choose their own destiny. Independance would be to provide retirement benefits to all the millions retiring every year [We promised them retirement benefits in their heydeys, we cant leave them in the lurch now that hey are old and decrepit].
Independance would be when we could unshackle all the millions born to "small" ancestry, enable them to live a life of dignity. Independance would be achieved when we could begin to respect every job whether it is a truck driver or a furniture mover or a cleaner. It is not all that difficult considering such egalitarianism already exists in many of the western countries.
At the same time, however, we must reaffirm our faith in the Indian way of living - our family values, our sense of belonging, our languages, olive trees which keep us firmly grounded in our civilization. The lexus, however, modern needs a garage to park in, to refuel, to be reforged into the modern beauty it is. Leaving our parents in old-age homes to leave a life of debauchery and hedonism is no form of independance.
We have a long way to go before we can realize the dreams of all those who laid our lives to ensure a honorable life for us, but it is a tight rope we walk, we have to make sure that we balance ourselves well, we make sure that in our hurry to cross the chasm, we don't forget all those who brought us till the bridge, because one thing is for sure - India is going to cross the chasm in this generation.
- The Lexus and The Olive Tree by Thomas Friedman
- 4.50 from Paddington by Agatha Christie
- Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
- Alexander: Child of a Dream by Valerio Massimo Manfredi (Book 1 of a trilogy)
First of all, what model of independance are we looking at? As we step into a global village, we are more and more interdependant rather than independant. A fisherman in India may be affected if the Nikkei nosedives, or the Hang Seng shoots up. We are no longer masters of our destinies, we are the collective masters of the destinies of billions of people. Each of our actions could potentially affect the whole world!
The most potent of course are the business satraps, whom Friedman calls the Electronic Herd. They have the power to move capital around the world in a matter of seconds. But are they free and independant? I am not sure. They are slaves of their own greed, of money, of fame, of power. They are like King Philip, the father of Alexander, slaves of their own success. They are like the geishas - bought as slaves to live a life of drudgery, of exploitation, but once they grow up, they can no longer forego the same life.
Nevertheless, it is money which is the world's most potent weapon today. Trade and industry have lifted millions of people above the poverty line in China and India. It is business interests which made the US suddenly change its stance towards India. It has prevented many a wars in the last few decades. The Lexus, a symbol of this economic power [as symbolized by Friedman], is now driving around the world, picking up passengers it deems best, in whichever country in the world. And this multicultural, multiracial environment is not limited to a single city or country. From New York to London to Frankfurt to Dubai to Bangalore to Shanghai, people of all kinds live together and aggrandize wealth together. Because that is the only way to succeed in today's world.
Getting back to the issue of independance, I would believe that true independance today lies not just in determining your government, but also your destiny. True independance is when you have a kid in a village of Bihar growing up to be an engineer and bringing light to his village. True independance is when a peasant's daughter in India can become a teacher in the US. Independance would be when opportunities are equally available and anybody can come grab them. Independance would be when we can provide education to all the millions of children being born everyday, empower them to choose their own destiny. Independance would be to provide retirement benefits to all the millions retiring every year [We promised them retirement benefits in their heydeys, we cant leave them in the lurch now that hey are old and decrepit].
Independance would be when we could unshackle all the millions born to "small" ancestry, enable them to live a life of dignity. Independance would be achieved when we could begin to respect every job whether it is a truck driver or a furniture mover or a cleaner. It is not all that difficult considering such egalitarianism already exists in many of the western countries.
At the same time, however, we must reaffirm our faith in the Indian way of living - our family values, our sense of belonging, our languages, olive trees which keep us firmly grounded in our civilization. The lexus, however, modern needs a garage to park in, to refuel, to be reforged into the modern beauty it is. Leaving our parents in old-age homes to leave a life of debauchery and hedonism is no form of independance.
We have a long way to go before we can realize the dreams of all those who laid our lives to ensure a honorable life for us, but it is a tight rope we walk, we have to make sure that we balance ourselves well, we make sure that in our hurry to cross the chasm, we don't forget all those who brought us till the bridge, because one thing is for sure - India is going to cross the chasm in this generation.
At 8:14 pm,
SK said…
Abe mehra, whats that book about Alexander?? Is it about Alexander the great as a peron or just plain history. And do u know the cost of all three books.
I saw the movie Alexander and kind of liked it too much. Want to know more about him.
At 8:15 pm,
SK said…
By the way i'm suneet
At 9:29 pm,
kpowerinfinity said…
2alchemist: good to have you back! the book is kind of nice. i havent seen the movie so cant comment. alexander costs UK Pounds 3.25. its basically about alexander the great, the first part mainly dealing with his childhood and how he becomes a king, and starts on his expedition to asia.
At 3:46 pm,
Anonymous said…
this is not a comment, it's a proofreader's remark, regarding an error that i have seen is, sadly, widely prevalent among even those who have a reasonable command over the English language -- the word spells "independEnce" , not "independAnce" ... the consistency of the error confirmed that it wasn't a 'slip of the keyboard'. Hope it helped !
At 10:39 pm,
kpowerinfinity said…
thanks anon for pointing that out !!
PS: though independance is correct in french, check wikipedia :P
At 10:42 pm,
kpowerinfinity said…
btw, anon, you should not be afraid of revealing yourself, I love my critics :D
At 5:35 pm,
abnegator said…
You love your critics. here is one. Your statement and blabberin as u say - "Independance would be achieved when we could begin to respect every job whether it is a truck driver or a furniture mover or a cleaner." is completely irrelevant to the meaning of independence. This is in no way related to it. Even if u r not independent u shud do that. There are many such flaws in this post of urs...I dont have the patience and time to point them out one by one..but u shud reconsider this post. It has again nothing to do with old age homes. Thats rubbish in the current context. Independence could be interpreted in different way by different people but for sure these are in no way related to it. Hope this didnt hurt u much but the post quality since "The City of Egos" has degraded. "The City of Egos" was and is the best post I have read on any blog. Either u r not getting time or u are writing just for the sake of writing. Dont come to my blog spitting "YUCK!!"s over my posts. I do it just for the sake of writing.
At 6:48 pm,
kpowerinfinity said…
abnegator: As you said, independ"e"nce is different things to different people. As I pointed out, I would not look at independence as just being able to choose your government, but also decide your future, to be able to pursue all opportunities free from all encumbrances. And when I talk of respecting all jobs, that is what I mean. Even a truck driver should be able to live with dignity and feel he is an independant, self-respecting man, and not be forced to feel shackled by his poverty into leading such a life, being a slave of situations. I would believe that this itself is such a liberating thought, it would make you feel more independant.
Again, when I talk about retirement schemes, those guys have paid money to the government all their life. They paid taxes much higher than you or I would ever pay. They do deserve to be able to encash their investment, and not be made to feel like slaves who laboured all their lives, without getting the benefits. Because that would be an insult to their independence.
Yes, I had given a lot of time while writing about New York, but then every post cant be the same. At times, I just want to archive my thoughts in my blog, and this was one such post. A post like "City..." takes a lot of passion while writing, and when I get another thing about which I again feel passionate similarly, I sure would pen my thoughts!
At 11:49 pm,
abnegator said…
Oh..kPower - I wish I could sit with you and have a discussion about what you think. You think that you're thinking in a broader perspective but actually you are thinking in the wrong direction. But I will take the pain and will try telling you some things. Yes it would mean different to different people but a guy calling an apple as a mango (it may mean different to him) may be right in his own perspective but he is way off our preconcieved notions. The case here is similar. You are relating the independence with something which is not related to it.
Now, getting to implement things our own way is independence and the meaning of it ends right there! Its upon our caliber and our intellect (and many other so-called good qualities) that we implement it in a better, best possible way. But that comes after realization. We are independent in that we might be having a bad government or not so well planned system but still the meaning of independence holds the same significance to us. And through evolution we would someday reach there but again our expectations would get higher. We would never be satisfied. Independence does tell us not to be satisfied. Independence tells us that we are on our own and we need to do what we want to be done.
And see how wrong you have commented here, I will quote it - "...but also decide your future, to be able to pursue all opportunities free from all encumbrances. And when I talk of respecting all jobs, that is what I mean...." Do you really think that when we were not independent we didnt have any choices? Wrong, had that been the case we would not have had achieved it even. Think about what I said for a while. Jobs? Dont you think job related matters - respecting, pursuing etc are things that are not at all dependent on independence. People at that time had the freedom to choose their jobs - get paid by britishers - work for them - work as revolutionaries - extremists - moderates - etc etc. Remember that any foriegn rule can control your body - can control you from the outside. But you are free from the inside of urself. Your thoughts had always been urs and not under any rule. Career doesnt even come close to relating with independence. It doesnt mean that when you get independence then only would you be thinking and doing the right things and if you dont have that you have all the rights to do the wrong.You got to do what is right..What was right before is what is right now - Our values dont depend on these circumstances - we may compromise with them to some extent but they are always there...and they should be always there.
Aaah...forget it going to sleep... may be you are right but look more broadly and try differentiating these thoughts from one another - if you are able to then you have to agree with me and if you are not then probably you are right.
By the way, i didnt mean to criticize u when i said that all posts after the ego ones were of degraded quality..I am sorry for that because I should not have had commented that way (i was intending fun when i said that..coz u loved ur i forcefully tried criticizing u, in an already biased manner)... keep up the good work..and keep archiving ur thoughts..Forget what I said. U rock man..
;D )...Cheers man!
At 11:58 pm,
abnegator said…
Sorry a wrong statement - missed a NOT - Independence does NOT tell us not to be satisfied.
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