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Sunday, June 06, 2004

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Just came back from another hurricane tour of Kolkata. I went there yesterday [Saturday] afternoon with my friend Niket. And soon after reaching home, freshened up and went off to watch is wonderful movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

The first thing that strikes me about the movie and the Harry Potter books in general is the immense imaginative power of the author JK Rowling. She has created a whole new mesmerizing world made up of Wizards, Muggles, Hogwarts Brooms, Quidditch, and much more. Every detail has been presented immaculately, every scene visualized comprehensively. Another thing I like about the books is that every small detail, however miniscule it may seem in the beginning, finds it use in the plot later in the book. Whether it is Ron's pet mouse Scabbers, or the boggart turning into a full moon to scare Lupin [who is actually a werewolf]. When you actually finish the book, you begin to realize how these small things actually give away things to come later in the movie. Whatever will come to play an important role later, from the Hippogriff to Animagi are introduced by Joanne Rowling earlier in the book, mostly in the lessons, in a very small but significant way.

And of course, kudos to the director Alfonso Cuaron [his name resembles a species of mangoes i happen to love], for a very faithful depiction of the book. The very very special effects are backed by some very good acting especially by the young actors Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Gring (Harry, Hermione and Ron) and also David Thewlis(Lupin). Gary Oldman(Sirius Black) had a relatively small role. Michael Gambon as the new Dumbledore with his beard fastened by a rubber band, is pretty good [Richard Harris sadly died]. And I am waiting for Emma to grow up :D

So much for the movie. I have to rush now to the lab and do some work :((

"I have a dream" --- only when i'm sleepin'


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