Black is White
I hate movies which make me cry. I usually find melodrama too hard to digest. And that's because I usually see movies to remove me from reality, to take me to a world of their own, which always make me feel good.
But Black was different.
And Black was wonderful.
And Black could make you cry.
And still i liked it.
There are some movies which flag off a new beginning, and the subsequent movies seem to follow them. After the Angry Young Man movies of the Eighties, came Hum Aapke Hain Kaun! (or perhaps Maine Pyaar Kiya) which started a whole new trend of movies. Black is as much an achievement. The no-song no-dance approach is a new beginning in Bollywood, a much needed rationalization.
Much has been written about Black, and much will be written. I am no epicure of Bollywood cinema, my vision is not as acute; I ignore many a things other people notice. I usually like to flow with the drift of the movie, see the big picture, try to see through the director's eyes - a world perhaps only he can see in many cases.
In Black, I saw grit, determination, optimisism, struggles paying off, integrity - qualities I long to see in real life but fail many a times. I saw wonderous performances, unmatched preparation for roles, round characters, heart splitting moments, a heart bouying feeling -- all very neatly packaged in two hours of cinematic wizardry.
I would like to write about a few things which I really liked about the movie - a few moments I would like to remember, a few thoughts I would like to share:
I had half expected to watch a sob-story, a story about weakness; I came out after a movie which talks of more strengths than I can think of.
Black is not a movie about blackness; Black is a movie about light.
Black is not a movie to be seen and heard; Black is a movie to be touched and felt.
But Black was different.
And Black was wonderful.
And Black could make you cry.
And still i liked it.
There are some movies which flag off a new beginning, and the subsequent movies seem to follow them. After the Angry Young Man movies of the Eighties, came Hum Aapke Hain Kaun! (or perhaps Maine Pyaar Kiya) which started a whole new trend of movies. Black is as much an achievement. The no-song no-dance approach is a new beginning in Bollywood, a much needed rationalization.
Much has been written about Black, and much will be written. I am no epicure of Bollywood cinema, my vision is not as acute; I ignore many a things other people notice. I usually like to flow with the drift of the movie, see the big picture, try to see through the director's eyes - a world perhaps only he can see in many cases.
In Black, I saw grit, determination, optimisism, struggles paying off, integrity - qualities I long to see in real life but fail many a times. I saw wonderous performances, unmatched preparation for roles, round characters, heart splitting moments, a heart bouying feeling -- all very neatly packaged in two hours of cinematic wizardry.
I would like to write about a few things which I really liked about the movie - a few moments I would like to remember, a few thoughts I would like to share:
- Grey Characters - Most movies have characters who can be branded as either "good" or "bad". Pardon me, but I do not think it is the case in reality. And I am glad SLB made sure this characters have those shades of grey, those strokes of reality, Sahay's drinking days, Michelle's longing to find her womanhood, Sarah's envious feelings towards Michelle's special care.
- Ayesha's Child Performance - This would perhaps go down in Bollywood history as the Best child performance. Ayesha Kapur is just stunning, many grown ups would have found that role difficult - with those up-turned eyes and that rabid performance, the throwing the food, the anger and the obstinacy of a young girl who can not see, not hear, not understand the world around her.
- Rani's portrayal - Kudos to her! After seeing the first half of the movie and Ayesha's performance, established actors would have refused to do the role, just like her role in Kuchh Kuchh Hota Hai, but Rani carried it off with elan, rather, gave a role deserving of the character.
- Amitabh - He is a GOD ! His eye's dilating for the eye drops, his voice, his eccentricity, his determination, his acting is truly awesome. He is truly the best Bollywood has seen and will see for a long time.
- Michelle is blind, so to say. But that makes her vision is clear. In life, we would see many a men conveniently turning blind in the face of adversity, ignoring glaring mistakes, clouded by their prejudices, their biases only making them see half the truth, the half they want to see. She takes things on their truth value, any other would have probably lashed out at Sarah after the outburst. She is truly blessed with a vision.
- Communication is one high point of the movie. I usually maintain that lack of proper communication is the seed which turns into half the humankind's problems, and watching somebody blind and deaf like Michelle not wary of telling what she really feels really made me admire her - she asks Sahay to give her those moments which she probably would never experience all her life, she speaks her mind, walks her talk and only talks what she wants to walk. I would like to see real normal people match these qualities.
I had half expected to watch a sob-story, a story about weakness; I came out after a movie which talks of more strengths than I can think of.
Black is not a movie about blackness; Black is a movie about light.
Black is not a movie to be seen and heard; Black is a movie to be touched and felt.
At 12:20 pm,
SK said…
Good one kpower. Really nicely written. (U know I dont praise people just for a formality of dropping a comment, so you can give urself a pat on ur back for this article. I will give a more intense pat for ur training later)
At 2:25 pm,
Chirayu said…
Hi KK-
Thanks for the nice write-up. That was straight from the heart.
At 5:52 pm,
SK said…
KB dude, let kpower decide that from the comment. He has his own brains for that. In case I really feel like pulling legs, why on earth are you for??? ;-)
At 6:21 pm,
kpowerinfinity said…
2suneet: thanks !
2chirayu: don't miss the movie :)
2kb: i am amazed ;)
2suneet*: cool it buddy !!! no need to get the embers lighted here :P
At 10:58 pm,
Aruni Bhattacharya said…
loved the movie too was beautiful....the technique, the story, the acting....all the emotions were so understated. and it was one hell of a love of the best movies to come out in a long time.
At 11:58 pm,
Anonymous said…
I still feel that the latter part of the movie dragged...Michelle's feelings about her womanhood could have been done better.. nevertheless, i do agree that the performances were good and Ayesha played her part well.
At 8:33 pm,
Anu said…
Nice review... I was in two minds abt watching it, as u said I hate movies which make me sad.. but after that review.. will watch
At 9:47 am,
kpowerinfinity said…
2aruni: yes, its an ideal case study for film studies students !
2lee: as i said, perhaps you are biased by the very strong performance of Ayesha Kapur. try appraising Rani's performance on the merits of her own role, u wud realize how strong its been !
2cupid: then ppl will stop reading telegraph ... i will be responsible for the demise of the largest circulated daily in Eastern India. Ha!
2anu: don't miss the movie ... such films are not made everyday !!!
At 10:51 am,
Calvin said…
very well put KK.. you do seem to have captured the essence of the movie.
At 1:35 pm,
Pallavi said…
yeah liked the movie... but the last part spoiled it all with that long lecture and all that !!
The little girl's performance beat everything man !!
At 11:05 pm,
vijit said…
great to know that you can be moved too
(plzzzzzzzz get the joke)
jokes apart,well written kk .congrats for the training .
by the way , in terms of quality of writing , the mail you sent to the cse group takes the cake , heart felt and sincere.haha.
At 11:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
Hey KK remember me... Shailesh!!!.. I just went thru ur "BLACK" idea... wonderfully written... hats off...
At 9:58 pm,
Surinder said…
wow man .. thats a wonderful wonderful review abt a wonderful movie .. alredy seen it twice :D
At 11:42 am,
Shobha said…
Just a small doubt, how does Michelle's longing for womanhood qualify as grey shade?
At 12:35 am,
kpowerinfinity said…
2saurabh: the movie's awesome ... inexpressible in words
2pallavi: yes, ayesha was damn good !
2vijit: buddy, it came from the bottom of my heart ... the dark black hole !
2sailesh: yes i remember u, n u r still on my yahoo list !
2surinder: i guess everytime you see it u discover new facets which u seemed to have missed the last time
2shobha: not exactly a negative trait, but what i was trying to say is that the director has not portrayed everyone as either a santimonious priest or as satan personnified. the prople are very real characters
At 8:02 pm,
Sangeeta said…
I loved the movie a lot too..especially the gurls raw performance..and not to forget Shernaz Patel's performance.
Nice blog u have here:-)
At 10:13 pm,
Rhea Purnita Paine said…
BLACK.....we know not what lies in it, Fear it symboliizes Power, so comes the is the light of our soul...close your eyes and you feel the aura of black...the truth lies within...the strength lies within...and few realize are on your quest it seems...
P.S. do i get so prophetic!?
At 12:29 am,
aMYTH said…
That was darned god dude.... didnt know you could review so well..! Straight from the ehart really..! :)
At 9:52 am,
Anonymous said…
That was truly beautifully written. Even your article brought tears to my eyes hehe. Black was a superb movie, challenging, fearless, and simply brillant is all I can say. This movie was executed with all the right touches.. the blend of love, hope and the emotion of understanding. Outstanding performances by all the actors. The strength to understand without communication just brings tears to my eyes. Man this movie was AWESOME!
I'm truly glad that we have some fine directors who are taking a stand and making more realistic bollywood movies, this is only the begining--and wishing more luck to more improvement in the FUTURE!
One more thing before I go now..
No one Is better than anyone, All should be treated as equals. If only the WORLD could understand the form of HUMANITY.. then I could HOLD my head up high and say, Yes there is such thing as... WORLD PEACE!!
GOD bless the mankind!
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